With the sense of adventure that every traveler needs (not to mention the sense of humour) Antoine de Maximy travels the world to meet different people. Venturing far and wide, he visits the most remote spots, as well as the busiest cities. His aim when travelling: to spend a night in one of the local residents’ homes and to share their everyday life with us. Meetings are spontaneous; he doesn’t know where he’s going to sleep from one day to another. Keen to explore human interactions and relationships, Antoine tackles people’s feelings, at times moving beyond the realms of convention, to demonstrate the true meaning of hospitality and the various cultural approaches towards foreigners. Thanks to the miniature cameras on his body, Antoine makes the audience a companion on his trip. Will he be welcomed? Who will offer him somewhere to stay? And what about you? Would you open your door to him? Now he has officially finished to shoot his 5th season, Antoine has traveled over the world and is certainly not ready to stop! He slept on over more than a hundred people’s sofa or floor, and keeps experience great meetings with people from different backgrounds. More than a simple travel show, it also reveals the real ways of life of some inhabitants representative of their country, away from the guidebooks clichés and the beaten paths.
Let Me Sleep Over Tonight
Produced by Bonne Pioche